
Author Archives: Karen J. La Madrid

Home | Articles by: Karen J. La Madrid
30 May 24
3 steps to take if you wish to disinherit someone

California allows you to distribute your assets as you please when you die. You are not obligated to leave someone something just because of your relationship with them. While disinheriting people is relatively rare, you may have good reason to…

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13 May 24
4 kinds of trusts to protect your interests

A will only protects your assets so far. With just a will, your estate could be taxed or challenged and the distribution process could be delayed with probate. You may find that a trust will benefit you more. A trust…

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29 Apr 24
Your estate planning checklist

Are you trying to get started with your estate plan? A will, trust and other legal documents can help you organize and instruct how your assets are managed after you pass away. While the main focus of estate planning is…

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17 Apr 24
Can I make a beneficiary use their inheritance in a certain way?

When you pass away, you will leave an inheritance to the beneficiaries named in your estate plan. This could include your spouse or your children, but you can pick any beneficiaries that you would like. Many people will have an…

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05 Apr 24
3 places to store your estate planning documents

Your estate planning documents are crucial, as they contain sensitive information. Thus, you want to store them in a safe place. Below are three places to consider: 1. Your home Storing your estate planning documents at home allows you to…

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21 Mar 24
How does the Corporate Transparency Act affect your estate plan?

It’s not unusual for some people to utilize complex structures for asset protection and succession planning when creating estate plans. However, the introduction of the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) and the legal scrutiny it brings to business entities can significantly…

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